
MATARAM - The public prosecutor has submitted a request for cassation to the Mataram District Court regarding the acquittal of Nugroho, a defendant in corruption in structuring and dredging the Labuhan Haji Pier, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. "Yes, we have declared an appeal. On Monday we submitted a request to the court," said Head of the Intelligence Section of the East Lombok District Attorney Lalu Mohamad Rasyidi by telephone, Antara, Tuesday, October 4. With this official statement, Rasyidi assured that the public prosecutor had a deadline of 14 days to prepare a memorandum of cassation. "We hope that the cassation memory can be completed within 14 days after our cassation statement is submitted to the court," he said. As material for the completeness of the cassation memory, he said, the public prosecutor is currently studying the considerations of the judge imposing acquittal on the defendant Nugroho who acts as the project commitment-making official (PPK). This, he continued, included the consideration of the judge who only stated that the defendant's actions were not proven criminally. However, granting the demand for the disbursement of project advance guarantees worth Rp. 6.7 billion at Bank BNI Main Bandung Branch to the regional treasury of East Lombok Regency. "Essentially, what is considered by the panel of judges in this acquittal will be poured into the memorandum of cassation. Hopefully, it will not only be granted the disbursement, but also criminal issues," he said. The panel of judges at the Mataram Corruption District Court acquitted Nugroho by stating that he was not legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption. The panel of judges led by Kadek Dedy Arcana in the decision ordered the public prosecutor to release the defendant from all charges, both primary and subsidiary. In addition, the judge to Bank BNI Bandung Main Branch as the underwriter for the project advance in 2016 ordered to disburse the project's advance deposit of Rp. 6.7 billion. Subsequently, it was handed over to the regional treasury of East Lombok Regency. This value is in accordance with the disbursement of 20 percent of the project budget which is considered by the judge to be compensation for state losses. The judge also ordered the public prosecutor to remove Nugroho from detention and restore social status and all the defendant's rights in a dignity and position. Regarding the judge's order to remove Nugroho from detention, the Head of the Special Crimes Section of the East Lombok Kejari Isa Anshori said that his party had carried out this. The public prosecutor in the prosecution asked the panel of judges to sentence Nugroho to 8 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 million, subsidiary to 4 months in prison. The prosecutor in the indictment stated that Nugroho's actions were proven to have violated Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 jo. Article 54 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code is in accordance with the primary indictment.

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