
JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-dept. built two rotary screens or playlists to filter the garbage that causes flooding carried by the river from the direction of Depok City, West Java every time it rains.

East Jakarta SDA Head of Sub-dept. Wawan Kurniawan said the garbage net was built at the Cawang Wika floodgate and Kramat Jati floodgate on Dato Tonggara Street.

"The work on this garbage filter has been carried out since July 19, 2022 and the target is to complete it by the end of November," said Wawan Kurniawan in Jakarta, Tuesday.

Wawan added that the construction of a garbage net in the Cawang Wika Phb channel was to attract garbage so as not to enter the Cipinang river.

Likewise, at the Dato Tonggara Kramat Jati sluice gate, to clean up the garbage that was carried away by the current in the Cipinang River.

Currently, the progress of the waste net work has been completed by 50 percent and the waste net is being made.

He said the contract value of the construction of the two waste filtering tools reached Rp9.9 billion from the 2022 APBD.

Head of the Section for Management of the East Jakarta SDA Sub-dept., Ikhwan Maulani, added that the waste net work system filtered all the garbage that flowed in the river using machines.

Then raised to the surface of the water through the conveyor to be taken to the trash can prepared on the edge of the river. So that the work system is like a water mill.

"The rotary screen is still in the assembly process at the workshop. Meanwhile, at the location where the rotary screen is installed, the civilian structure is still in the process. Namely the making of a rotary seat," said Ikhwan.

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