
KALSEL - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) reported that landslides in Kota Baru Regency, South Kalimantan (Kalsel), were mostly caused by changes in landscapes or landscapes.

Acting Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center, Abdul Muhari, said that the temporary suspicion of landslides was triggered by the high intensity of rain and unstable soil conditions.

As a result, said Abdul, gold mining excavations around the location of the collapse. However, Abdul said the high intensity of rain was not necessarily the main factor in triggering landslides.

He explained, according to weather analysis of the virgin satellite data on September 25-26, the South Kalimantan region did not experience rain, or the rainfall was very low.

Meanwhile, through satellite image data, Abdul said the location of gold mining around the Durian River, which began in 2005, showed changes in land use procedures. Over the years, the mining area is increasingly expanding and erodes green land.

Meanwhile, where each mining area has a tunnel, Abdul said it must be ensured whether the construction at that location meets security and safety standards.

"So this is mostly caused by changes in the landscape or changes in the landscape. We saw that whether this is a mining area, the residents immediately live there are workers who live there, and it's like we tear apart their natural landscapes and of course when we don't pay attention to these conservation rules, one day it will definitely cause a disaster," Abdul said in 'Disaster Briefing', quoted from Antara, Tuesday, October 4.

Abdul said, when viewed from the disaster-prone level, Kota Baru Regency is an area with moderate to high risk of landslides, due to slope and steep areas.

Abdul said the landslide vulnerability that occurred in the gold mining area was post-disaster, where the roots of the tree were not enough to hold the ground, causing a disaster.

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