
JAKARTA - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) revealed 9,158 findings containing 15,674 problems worth Rp. 18.37 trillion in the first semester of 2022.

BPK Chairman Isma Yatun explained that there were 7,020 problems related to the weakness of the internal control system (SPI), 8,116 problems worth Rp. 17.33 trillion related to non-compliance with the provisions of the legislation, and 538 problems worth Rp. 1.04 trillion related to inefficiency, inefficiency, and inefficiency.

When submitting the Summary of Semester Examination Results (IHPS) I of 2022 to the DPR at the Plenary Session, Isma Yatun explained that the issue of non-compliance consisted of non-compliance which could result in losses, potential losses, and a shortage of state revenues of 5,465 problems worth Rp17.33 trillion.

In addition, there were also 2,651 administrative irregularities.

"Atas permasalahan tersebut, selama proses pemeriksaan, tindak lanjut entitas dengan penyatoran uang dan/atau penyerahan aset, baru sebesar Rp2,41 triliun atau 13,9 persen," beber Isma Yatun, Selasa 4 Oktober dikutip Antara.

BPK has examined the central government's financial statements (LK), with 132 LK obtaining an Unqualified Opinion (WTP), and four LK Ministries/Institutions (LKKL) still receiving an Unqualified Opinion with Exceptions (WDP), namely the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Manpower, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).

His party has also provided WDP opinions on one of the 39 LK loans and foreign grants (PHLN) in 2021.

Then, his party has also examined 541 LK of the Regional Government (LKPD) in 2021, with as many as 500 local governments (Pemda) or 92.4 percent obtaining WTP opinions, 38 local governments or 7 percent obtaining WDP opinions, and 3 local governments or 0.6 percent obtaining opinions Not To State Opinions (TMP).

Isma Yatun revealed that of the 542 local governments (Pemda), there is one regional government that has not submitted LKPD, namely the Waropen Regency Government in Papua Province.

In addition, BPK also examined annual financial reports (LK Tahunan) other agencies in 2021, namely Bank Indonesia (BI), the Financial Services Authority (OJK), the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS), and the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH).

It was noted that from 2005 to Semester I-2022, BPK had submitted 660,894 recommendations for examination results of Rp302.56 trillion to the examined entity.

Until the first semester of 2022, BPK's recommendations have been followed up by entities by depositing money and or handing over assets to regions/regions/companies amounting to Rp124.60 trillion.

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