
JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives has appointed Atnike Nova Sigiro as Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission for the 2022-2027 period at the Plenary Meeting held at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 4. Later, Atnike will lead 8 other commissioners of the National Human Rights Commission which have also been approved by the DPR. Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the House of Representatives Prince Khairul Saleh, said Commission III of the DPR had decided that the 9 names of the commissioners of the National Human Rights Commission were elected in the plenary meeting held on Monday, October 3, 2022. The nine names are Atnike Nova Sigiro, Abdul Haris Semendawawai, Anis Hidayah, Hari Kurniawan, Prabianto Mukti Wibowo, Pramono Ubaid Tanthowi, Putu Elvina, Saurlin P Siagian, and Uli Parulian Sihombing. "In the plenary meeting, the chairman of the Indonesian National Human Rights Commission for the 2022-2027 period who was elected was Atnike Nova Sigiro's sister," Prince said in his report in the plenary session room, Tuesday, October 4. Pangeran mengatakan, penting bagi anggota Komnas HAM memiliki integritas, kualitas, profesional, dan kredibel dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya. Sebagaimana diatur dalam ketentuan perundangan-undangan. "So that it can increase public confidence in Komnas HAM in upholding human rights in Indonesia," said the PAN legislator.

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