
JAKARTA - Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency (SVR) Sergey Naryshkin said Russia was continuing to gather facts about sabotage of the Nord Stream, but some data did not immediately show a Western footprint.

He made the statement in an interview on the Rossiya-1 television channel program entitled 'Moscow, Kremlin, Putin'.

"We continue to collect facts. So far it is not direct. But indirect data, both previously published data and data that are not yet available in the public realm, of course, leads to the West's footprint," he explained, launching TASS October 3.

Last week, Naryshkin said Moscow had material indicating the West had a role, in the leakage of the Nord Stream underwater pipe.

"We have material that leads to the West's footprint in this terrorist organization and implementation," the Interfax news agency quoted Naryshkin as saying.

Naryshkin's statement is the most direct charge against the West of a senior Russian official. He did not say what evidence Russia has.

The European Union is investigating the cause of the leak in the Gazprom-led Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, saying it suspects sabotage behind damage off the coasts of Denmark and Sweden.

Sweden's Energy Minister said on Friday, "very likely" the attack on the pipeline network was carried out on purpose.

Either Nord Stream 1 or 2 does not operate when cracks are found on Monday week, but both contain gas. Nord Stream AG, the Nord Stream 1 pipeline operator, said it expected gas leaks to stop on Monday, but could not access the area to assess the damage.

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