Understanding Endemic, Epidemi And Pandemic, Be Alert, Don't Be Wrong
Understanding endemic, Epidemi, Pandemic (Unsplash)


YOGYAKARTA - The new coronavirus pandemic is the perfect model to understand what the pandemic really is and how it impacts life on a global scale. Since the emergence of COVID-19 in 2020, people have been bombarded with new languages to understand the virus and its next global public health response. This article will reveal the factors that make you understand endemic, epidemic, pandemic.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) described the epidemic as an unexpected increase in the number of cases of diseases in certain geographical areas. Yellow fever,pox,▁berhubunganx, and▁pemikiran are the main examples of the epidemic. Epidemiologists do not have to be contagious. West Nile fever and a rapid increase in the level of obesity are also considered an epidemic. Epidemis can refer to certain health-related diseases or behaviors (for example, smoking) at a clear rate above what is expected in a community or region.


The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic during the growth of exponential diseases. This means the growth rate skyrocketed, and every day cases grew more than the previous day. Stated as a pandemic, the virus has nothing to do with virology, population immunity, or disease severity. This means the virus covers a large area, affecting several countries and populations.


Disease outbreaks are endemic if they are always there but are limited to certain areas. This makes the spread of disease and the level predictable. Malaria, for example, is considered endemic in certain countries and regions.


The WHO defines the pandemic, epidemic, and endemic disease based on the rate of disease spread. So, the difference between the epidemic and the pandemic is not at the severity of the disease, but at what extent it spreads.

A pandemic crossed international boundaries, which contradicts regional epidemics. It is this broad geographical reach that has caused large-scale social disturbances, economic losses, and general difficulties. It is important to note that the epidemic that was announced could develop into a pandemic status. Although the epidemic is large, its spread is generally under control or expected, while the pandemic is international and out of control.


Several factors contribute to infectious disease outbreaks. Contraction can occur as a result of transmission from humans, animals, or even the environment. For example:

The origin of the disease can also be unknown. This type of disease can be caused by various factors, including:

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