
SUKABUMI - The joint SAR team continued their search for victims who were swept away by the rewod or Cibeuleungbeung River in Ciputat Hamlet, Sukabumi Regency, West Java on Sunday, October 2.

"Today we divided the two teams into search and rescue operations for victims on behalf of Tursini (40), a resident of Ciputat Village, RT 004/013, Cikangkung Village, Ciracak District, Sukabumi Regency," said Head of the Sukabumi Regency Regional SAR Coordination Forum (FKSD) Okih Fajri in Sukabumi, Monday, October 3, as reported by Antara.

According to Okih, the search was carried out by combing the flow of the Rewod River in Cikangkung Village using a rubber boat and tracing it on land. Today's search point (Monday, 3/10) starts from the location where the first victim's body was found, namely Erti (55) or about three kilometers from the scene.

The search began at 07.30 WIB, the joint SAR team has not been able to find the whereabouts of the Tursuni. However, SAR personnel in the field are optimistic that today's search can produce results, because the river water discharge has receded and the current is not strong.

The SAR team suspects that Tursini's body was caught in the rocks that were in the river. They could not confirm whether the victim was still alive or dead before being found.

"In this search we are assisted by local residents and are expected to be able to produce results. For conditions at the location, thank God the weather is favorable, bright and the river current is not too strong," he added.

Previously, on Sunday, (2/10) at around 13.30 WIB, Tursini and Erti, residents of Ciputat Village, RT 004/013, Cikangkung Village, Ciramcap District, Sukabumi Regency, were about to return to their homes by crossing the Cibeuleung Bridge.

While in the middle of the bridge, Erti suddenly slipped and fell into the Rewod River, seeing his relative falling Tursini trying to help him, but unfortunately he fell and finally both of them were carried away by the river current.

Erti's body was found three kilometers from the scene at around 15:45 WIB on Sunday, but Tursini has not been found until Monday and is still being searched for by the joint SAR team.

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