
JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Patra Niaga said the daily consumption of fuel oil (BBM) of the type Bio Solar in Central Sulawesi Province increased by 13.7 percent after the government's price adjustment. "The use of Pertamina's products, especially gasoil (Solar) fuel has increased, but is still within reasonable limits," said Senior Supervisor Communication & Relations of Pertamina Patra Niga Region Sulawesi Taufiq Kurniawan from Palu, Central Sulawesi, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, October 1. He explained, according to Pertamina Region Sulawesi data, the results of the technical realization calculation after the increase in fuel prices in Central Sulawesi are around 407 kiloliters on average daily, compared to before the increase in prices of around 358 kiloliter daily consumption. This condition also applies to Pertamina Dex an increase of 11.1 percent or 7 kiloliters after price increases, compared to before price adjustment of around 6 kiloliters on average daily. "Especially Pertamina Dex's highest realization is in Palu City, which is 11.1 percent, while Dexlite stagnants are at 1.4 percent or around 72 kiloliters on average daily before and after fuel price adjustments," said Taufiq. In contrast to the daily consumption of BBM gasoline (Pertalite) subsidized, it is actually 1.322 kiloliters after price adjustment, compared to the period before the price increase at 1,345 kiloliters. Then, the Pertamax type of fuel from an average of 64 kiloliters, increased to 65 kiloliters or 1.3 percent, therefore Pertamina continues to strive to provide maximum energy services to people in urban areas to remote and outermost areas.

Because energy needs have become part of the basic needs of the community. Pertamina also estimates that the stock of subsidized fuel in Central Sulawesi will be sufficient until the end of the year. According to data from Pertamina Region Sulawesi, the security of Pertalite's stock from October to December will be around 2,062 kiloliters with an average daily normal consumption of around 650 kiloliters. "We also appreciate the efforts of the Regional Government which has formed a special task force to monitor the distribution of fuel at gas stations as an effort to prevent and take action against subsidized fuel users for other purposes by certain individuals," said Taufik. He added that in addition to Pertalite, Solar's resilience is also expected to be fulfilled in the next three months at the end of 2022, which is 3,649 kiloliters with an average daily consumption of 232 kiloliters which are predicted to be around 15 times. "We also ask the community to intensely supervise the distribution of fuel at gas stations, if there are things that violate the report to the authorities or to Pertamina," said Taufiq.

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