
MEDAN - The winning team for the pair of candidates for mayor-vice mayor of Medan Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi provided debriefing for witnesses when voting at the polling stations. The plan is to place 20 witnesses at a polling station on December 9.

In the Medan Pilkada, there are 4,300 polling stations spread across 21 sub-districts. Apart from the witnesses at the TPS, the Akhyar-Salman team will place the witnesses outside the TPS.

"We plan to have 25 witnesses outside the polling station monitoring the voting system, counting up the process of moving ballot boxes from one place to another," said AMAN's Volunteer Coordinator, Willy Simanjuntak, Monday, November 30.

With this number of polling stations, AMAN will deploy more than 100,000 witnesses at polling stations throughout Medan.

"The number already exists because there are so many volunteers who have expressed their willingness to act as witnesses," said Willy.

The witnesses said that Willy has been active as an AMAN volunteer. They will mingle with the community to be witnesses during voting.

Willy emphasized that the deployment of witnesses was carried out to prevent fraud. Therefore, supervision is carried out closely.

"We must actively close all spaces for fraud in the upcoming Pilkada," he said.

Since last week up to three days prior to the voting day, the AMAN Team has continued to provide provisioning in turn to all these potential witnesses. The supplies were given based on location and district.

Willy emphasized that the presence of witnesses will be very important to encourage the Medan Pilkada to be fair, transparent, clean and democratic.

"Don't let cheating happen," he said.

According to Willy, the potential for cheating would be enormous. Even during the campaign, cheating was evident everywhere.

"We see there are candidates who give away rice and money to residents so they want to vote for them. If they had cheated during the campaign, surely at the vote counting, the cheating would be more massive, ”said Willy.

The Akhyar-Salman team hopes that the KPU and Bawaslu Medan will have professional duties. The goal is so that fraud does not occur in the Medan Pilkada.

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