
BANJARMASIN - The Traffic Directorate of the South Kalimantan Regional Police claims that the application of electronic traffic law enforcement (E-TLE) cameras is quite effective in disciplining people's behavior in complying with traffic regulations on the highway. "Violators in Banjarmasin City are now increasingly orderly in complying with traffic rules because they feel that they are being monitored by E-TLE cameras, even though there are no officers," said Head of the Bin Opsnal Division of the Traffic Directorate of the South Kalimantan Police, Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Toton P Wardana Police in Banjarmasin, Saturday, October 1 to Antara. According to Toton, at the initial stage, people were encouraged to always pass by traffic because ETLE cameras automatically recorded violations without compromise. Furthermore, due to the control to order, awareness from the public that safety is the main thing for motorists to always comply with traffic rules whenever and anywhere in order to prevent accidents. On the other hand, added Toton, the application of electronic ticket technology also closed the gap in the act of abuse of authority by traffic police officers in the field. "So, there are no more terms of peace money. For those recorded violations, they are automatically processed and required to pay fines through a transparent and accountable system," he explained.

Since ETLE was implemented by the South Kalimantan Police Ditlantas at three points in Banjarmasin City from March to September 2022, violations of four or more wheeled vehicles that did not wear seat belts were recorded at 228,286 cases. Then violations of not wearing helmets for motorcycles were recorded at 47,215 cases, violations of breaking through traffic lights 129,107 cases, and violations of signs and markers of 12,550 cases. The ticket sent to the address of violators were confirmed as many as 2,897 sheets which were then processed for payment of fines according to types of violations. In the future, Toton hopes that the application of ETLE electronic ticket cameras will not only be in Banjarmasin, but expandd to all regencies and cities in South Kalimantan through local government assistance and participation in the private sector.

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