
BANDARLAMPUNG - The Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) Bandarlampung found 21 names of registrant members of the Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu) of the District or Panwascam included in the Political Party Information System (Sipol). In the Sipol, they are registered as political party cadres (political parties).

One of the requirements that must be met by Panwascam registrants is not to become members of political parties.

"Indeed, to register as Panwaslu, our sub-district requires registrants to check their names in Sipol and it turns out that there are these findings," said a member of Bawaslu Bandarlampung, Girtiawan, in Bandarlampung, quoted from Antara, Friday, September 30.

He explained that the 21 names of Panwascam registrants were each included in the membership of 13 political parties, namely Hanura, NasDem, Democrats, PKN, PPP, PKB, PSI, PAN, Garuda, Gerindra, Golkar, Ummat Party, and PKP.

He said Bawaslu had summoned the 13 political parties for questioning regarding the names of the people who were included in the party membership in Sipol.

"So we clarified to the prospective registrant why he was in Sipol, when did he know whether he was a political party member or sympathizer because his output was in Sipol. Then we cross-checked with political parties who were called and asked how the system or mechanism for recruiting political parties so that people were in Sipol," he said.

Gistiawan said, from the information from the political party they were summoned, it turned out that they had an internal party application in which there was a recapitulation of the number of political party memberships.

"So we asked them to check whether these 21 people are included in the internal application of the party, it turns out that there is none. Now the internal application of this party is in the playstore and can be downloaded free of charge by the public," he said.

For this incident, Girtiawan encouraged Panwascam registrants to make a rebuttal at the KPU that they were not members of the political party.

"So we will first plencate 21 people who are registrants to this sub-district to determine their status. Then encourage them to make a rebuttal at the KPU and later they will be asked for evidence," he concluded.

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