
JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police continue to investigate cases of domestic violence (KDRT) reported by dangdut singer Lesti Kejora against Rizky Billar. Two witnesses have been examined by officers. According to officers, the allegation must be strengthened by evidence and other witnesses.

"Sudah memeriksa brother L, sebagai saksi korban. Kita juga sudah memeriksa 2 orang. Satu karyawannya dan teman dekatnya (korban)," kata Pelaksana tugas (Plt) Kasi Humas Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan AKP Nurma Dewi kepada wartawan, Jumat, 30 September.

Nurma explained that her party would schedule Rizky Billar to conduct an examination related to the domestic violence case. This is done to find out the actual incident of the case.

"The reported party is scheduled again. It must be called as soon as possible," he said.

In addition, he also explained that to determine whether or not the suspect was suspected, previously his party had to conduct an examination of the complainant and the reported party. Then strengthened with evidence and other witnesses.

"The statement clarifies the case. We can determine something to people, (the subject) suspects or not suspects," he concluded.

As is known, Lesti Kejora experienced allegations of domestic violence at his residence in Cilandak, South Jakarta, Wednesday, September 28, at 01.51 WIB.

Initially, the singer from Bandung found out that her husband had an affair. The dispute ensued until finally Lesti chose to return to her parents' house.

When the victim asked to go home, Rizky got emotional until he finally pushed the victim and slammed the 23-year-old woman to the bed.

For this incident, Lesti finally reported to the South Jakarta Metro Police with a police report numbered LP/B/2348/IX/2022/SPKT/South Jakarta Metro Police. The report was filed on Wednesday, September 28.

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