
TANGERANG - A Civil Servant (PNS), with the initials T was caught by his wife alone with a woman, DWH, in a room at the FM3 Hotel, Pinang District, Tangerang City, Thursday night, September 29.

Informasi menyebut, T dan ST merupakan rekan kerja di Suku Dinas Pendidikan (Sudin) Jakarta Barat. T disebut merupakan PNS Echelon 4A dan ST adalah staf perwirannya.

During the raid, S came with his attorney, Tris Haryanto and police officers from the Pinang Police Headquarters.

"Mrs. S this evening has caught her husband, Mr. T, so coincidentally he is with another woman, namely his own staff," Tris told reporters, Thursday, September 29.

The incident began when S and Tris began following T from their office to a hospital in the Alam Sutera area of Tangerang. At that time S saw that it turned out that the perpetrator met his staff at the parking lot of the hospital.

They then continued their journey by one car to the FM3 Hotel, Tangerang City. S and Trias also followed the perpetrator and the woman.

"So we happened to be following behind the perpetrator's car, approximately after sunset at half past seven, the person concerned entered the hotel," he said.

When he saw T and ST enter the hotel, S and Tris did not immediately come to them, but coordinated with the hotel and the police.

"Finally we carried out a raid, and finally the person concerned was brought by the police," he said.

During the raid, said Tris, the two were suspected of having sex after having sex and were about to leave the hotel room.

"Yes, the condition was that when we came in they were cleaning up maybe wearing clothes, maybe we thought we had just had a relationship like husband and wife," he said.

It is known that T and ST both already have families. T has a wife and 3 children. Meanwhile ST has a husband and 2 children.

S as a victim in this case is also a teacher in the West Jakarta Administrative Area. He wants this adultery act to be processed properly according to applicable legal rules.

"I'm just following the legal process. So I, our country, are a state of law, we can't take justice into our own hands even though the wrong person is still being processed properly," he concluded.

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