
TANGERANG The group of teenagers was walking in the middle of the road while carrying sickles. In the video that went viral on social media, it is stated that the action took place in the Pondok Cabe area, South Tangerang.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pamulang Police, AKP Erwin Subekti when confirmed, confirmed the incident. However, he confirmed that the incident was not in Pondok Cabe.

"It's not at Pondok Cabe, it's in the Curug area, Parung, (Bogor Regency), a hoax. It happened. But in the Parung area," Erwin said when confirmed, Friday, September 30.

Erwin asked the public not to panic in responding to the viral video. Because according to him, this incident did not occur in the South Tangerang area.

"I urge the people of South Tangerang not to panic. Because that does not happen in our area and it is certain that it is not in our territory," he said.

On that occasion, Erwin also reminded parents to keep a closer eye on their children so they don't get involved with the law, let alone criminal.

"Regarding the frequent brawls, for parents to be even stricter in educating their children, their sons and daughters, observing so they don't join the brawl," he concluded.

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