
JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives has built a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in the Parliament Complex area, Senayan, Jakarta. The construction of this PLTS is to meet the electricity needs of the people's representatives's building.

Chairperson of the Republic of Indonesia, Puan Maharani, said the use of solar panels in the parliament complex was the council's commitment in efforts to save the earth from the threat of climate change. According to her, the DPR must lead and set an example of real efforts in achieving sustainable development goals or the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) which is the world's agenda.

"Including through environmentally friendly or environmentally friendly policies, one of which is the use of Solar Power Plants (PLTS) as a form of reducing emissions in the parliament itself," said Puan in her statement, Thursday, September 29.

For information, the solar panels in the PLTS are installed in the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, precisely in the DPR Energy Park which is in front of the Nusantara Building or Turtle Building. The construction of solar panels and energy parks carries the concept of green building. The PLTS, which was built in Taman Energi, can meet 25 percent of the electricity needs in the DPR building.

To note, solar panels or solar cells are a collection of solar cells resembling glass and arranged in such a way to convert light into electricity. Solar cells absorb energy from the sun as a source of energy.

Not only using the solar cell, Puan said, all units and work units within the DPR have also started a new work culture by implementing paperless, zero plastic, low emissions, and environmentally friendly waste management.

"The DPR hopes to become a pioneer in green development in Indonesia, especially in state agencies or institutions," said Puan.

According to Puan, the use of low-carbon renewable energy as an energy transition step to achieve the realization of SDG's must be realized in concrete actions. This is done so that future generations have a better place of life.

"This is a call from the DPR as the people's representative to help save the earth, through our policy products and other parliamentary functions," said Puan.

The development of PLTS in the DPR environment also pays attention to the beauty of the parks and the green atmosphere. Puan ensured that development did not damage the essence of the DPR as a historic building.

"And as people's homes, we want guests and visitors who come to feel comfortable and can feel the beauty of the DPR Building," he said.

Puan explained that PLTS in the DPR complex could be exhibited to the Group of 20 Parliamentary Speakers Summit (P20) delegates who will come next week. It is known that the DPR will host the P20 event which will be part of a series of G20 Summits on October 5-7.

"Indonesia must be able to show its commitment in implementing green or low-carbon development strategies in an effort to reduce emissions that have become world policies," said Puan.

Not only P20, when he was the Chair of the 144th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) General Assembly which was held last March, Puan also always reminded world countries to take concrete action to realize the concept of a green economy to support SDG's.

Actually, the DPR has started the practice of overcoming the climate crisis with various concrete actions. Such as reducing the use of plastic bottles. We also started paperless in our work to minimize the use of paper," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan is committed to further promoting the green parliamentary movement in the DPR to support the Nusa Dua Declaration which fights climate change as agreed in the 44th IPU. According to her, the DPR must further encourage the sustainability of the green parliament.

So I invite my members of the council to support the Green House movement. We must work to reduce our own carbon footprint at the institutional level," said Puan.

Puan added that the Green House would be an operation and practice of the Indonesian parliament that is committed to taking action to combat the climate crisis. The DPR, she said, would implement climate training for lawmakers and staff members, as well as conduct regular exchanges of knowledge with experts on climate change.

I hope the DPR is committed to overcoming the problem of climate change. This is important to do, so that we can inherit a healthy earth for the younger generation, as well as other future generations," he concluded.

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