
JAKARTA - Until now, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is still ongoing. But if you think it's just a war between Russia and Ukraine, it's a big mistake.

"There is a war going on and I think it's a mistake to think that this is a cowboy film where there are good people and bad people. It's also wrong to think that this is a war between Russia and Ukraine and nothing more. No, this is a world war," Pope Francis said. quoted from Jesuit La Civilta Cattolica, Thursday 29 September.

Pope Francis spoke during his visit to Kazakhstan, last September 15. There he met 19 Yesuits who worked in the territory of the Union of Russia. The Pope sits in the midst where the seats are placed in the circle.

To be able to understand this war, Pope Francis said he had to look deep. There are many dynamics that actually lead to conflict.

"There are international factors that contribute to provoking the war. I have mentioned that a head of state, in December last year, came to let me know that he is very concerned because NATO has'snouted' at Russian gates without understanding that Russia is an imperial and afraid of border insecurity. He expressed fear that this would trigger war, and this broke out two months later," Pope Francis said at the time.

"So, a person cannot be simple in determining the cause of the conflict," he continued.

Pope Francis has always called for war to stop there. Because war makes everyone suffer. The war has forgotten humanity and puts interests first.

"I remember that a day after the start of the war I went to the Russian Embassy. It was an unusual attitude; the pope never went to the embassy. He received ambassadors personally only when they showed their credentials, and then at the end of their mission on a farewell visit. I told the ambassador that I wanted to talk to President Putin, as long as he gave me a small window for dialogue,"

"I also received the Ukrainian ambassador and spoke twice with President Zelensky on the phone. I sent Cardinal Czerny and Krajewski to Ukraine to assert whale solidarity," he continued.

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