
JAKARTA - The Head of West Java Regional Police (Kapolda), Inspector General Ahmad Dofiri, said the efforts of the Ummi Hospital (RS) which allegedly obstructed the Bogor City COVID-19 Handling Task Force from carrying out the tracing were considered pure crimes.

Although initially the case came from a report by the Bogor City COVID-19 Handling Task Force, according to him the police were obliged to investigate the case.

"This is not a complaint offense but a pure crime. If it is a pure crime, it is the state's obligation through its apparatus, namely the police to directly handle and investigate this case," said Ahmad Dofiri at the West Java Regional Police Headquarters, Bandung City, West Java.

In addition, he also doubted the statement of the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, who would withdraw the Ummi Hospital case report. Even so, he ensured that the police would act decisively against anyone who was less serious in handling COVID-19.

"COVID-19 is a dangerous disease and its transmission is very fast and widespread, therefore it is necessary for our joint efforts and in this case the police will take a more firm and measured action," said Dofiri.

Regarding Rizieq Shihab who secretly returned from Ummi Hospital, according to him this action had legal consequences for both Ummi Hospital and Rizieq Shihab.

According to him, starting Monday, the police have also summoned a number of parties related to Ummi Hospital who are suspected of obstructing efforts to deal with COVID-19.

"Summons have been made to several parties. We will see that the Bogor Police has sent the summons," he said.

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