
PENDEGLANG A husband has the heart to burn his wife and children in his house in Kadomas Village, Pandeglang District, Banten. The incident was only discovered by the police after receiving a report from residents, Saturday, September 24 at around 05.00 WIB.

Pandeglang Police Chief Kompol Kosasih represented by Pandeglang Police Criminal Investigation Unit Ipda Aap Ahmad Safei said the Pandeglang Police received reports from the public that there had been acts of domestic violence (KDRT).

"We received reports from the public that there had been acts of domestic violence or the mistreatment of a husband burning his wife and child in the house," said Aap in a written statement, Wednesday, September 28.

After receiving the report, members of the Pandeglang Police immediately followed up on the report.

Aap explained that the arson incident occurred after the suspect DN (45) made a fuss with his wife AN (32). At that time the victim and her still minor (4) who was in the middle room. Suddenly both of them were doused with gasoline.

"After an argument broke out between perpetrators DN (45) and AN (32), victim AN (32) and their minor son (4) who was in the middle room were suddenly doused with liquid in the form of fuel, then perpetrator DN (45) immediately set the victim and his child on fire," explained Aap.

Aap added that the two victims suffered burns to their faces and hands.

"The two victims suffered burns to their faces and hands, then were immediately rushed to Berkah Pandeglang Hospital for medical treatment," added Aap.

The Pandeglang Police carried out an investigation by visiting the witnesses for further questioning and collecting evidence at the crime scene (TKP).

Aap emphasized that the Pandeglang Police Buser Team and the Pandeglang Police were looking for the perpetrators.

"We from the police have made efforts to arrest the perpetrators of DN (45) by forming a team consisting of the Pandeglang Police Buser Team and Pandeglang Police personnel so that the perpetrators of DN (45) can be caught immediately," concluded Aap.

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