
BOGOR - Bumi Madya researcher at the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) Agus Budianto said the shift in land in Bojongkoneng, Bogor Regency, West Java, has the potential to knock down the building. "The threat is not only a collapsed building, but it can be pushed inside. And it is dangerous," he said in Cibinong, Bogor, Antara, Tuesday, September 27. According to him, the landslide that had damaged several buildings and village roads on Wednesday, September 14 was caused by landslides of the type of termites. "We saw the foundation of moving soil rocks, and we found that the clay layer was there. Well, that clay layer is the field that is there," he said. Agus explained, when vegetation in the Bojongkeneng area is lost, heavy rainwater can saturate the soil surface. "Water moves easily and carries a layer of soil beneath it based on a clay layer," he said. Therefore, he appealed to the public to avoid soil zones that have suffered cracks, because the threat not only makes the building collapse, but also makes land subsidence. The results of his observations showed that the depth of the subsidence was different at each location. On the outskirts, the depth of the subsidence is about one meter. There is also a subsidence that reaches a depth of 1.5 meters. "If we look at the roads, they vary, there are half a meter but the cracks are massive, and that is dangerous. Inside is the basin valley area, the water flow zone which is directed north of the south," he said. Previously, the Acting Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari said that land movement in Bojongkeneng affected 278 families or 1,020 people. Based on data from the Bogor Regency BPBD as of Tuesday, September 20 at 10.20 WIB, there were 246 houses affected. At least nine housing units were heavily damaged and 73 housing units were moderately damaged. Furthermore, one unit of educational facilities and prayer room were also affected. Then, the 1 kilometer Kampung Curug road was damaged so that all types of vehicles could not pass.

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