SOLOK - The South Solok Police, West Sumatra, are still investigating who owns 176 wood sticks of various types transported with 4 trucks and levers secured in the South Illegal Logging Operation in Jorong Jujutan, Nagari Lubuk Gadang, Sangir District on Sunday, September 25 evening.
"Currently, the discovery of 176 blocks of wood and the driver of the vehicle is still under investigation by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Solok Police," said South Solok Police Chief AKBP Arief Mukti Adhi Sabhara through the Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Dwi Poerwanto in Padang Aro, Antara, Tuesday, September 27.
His party has known who owns the four trucks used to transport the wood and will soon be summoned for questioning.
"The four trucks used to transport the wood are owned by three people, one of whom owns two trucks," he said. When found, four vehicles containing wooden blocks were abandoned by the driver.
The discovery of the wood began with the implementation of patrol activities carried out by South Solok Police personnel. The personnel found 4 vehicles parked and after checking, it turned out that various sizes and types of block wood were found.
After the discovery, he said, his staff took the four trucks to the Police Headquarters for further investigation.
He mentioned that of the 176 blocks of wood with various types such as Meranti, Timbalan, the Pulai in the first vehicle, the police secured 45 wooden sticks, 42 wooden sticks, 43 wooden sticks of wood and 46 fourth wooden sticks of wood.
He said the alleged criminal act of transporting, controlling or possessing wood products that were not accompanied by a valid certificate of forest products is currently still in the process of being investigated.
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