
JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan satirized one of the policies of former DKI Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok who forbade motorbikes from entering Jalan Jenderal Sudirman to Jalan MH Thamrin. Saat menjabat sebagai Gubernur DKI, Ahok menerbitkan Peraturan Gubernur (Pergub) Nomor 195 Tahun 2014 juncto Pergub DKI Nomor 141 Tahun 2015 tentang Pembatasan Lalu Lintas Bicycle. Sehingga, sepeda motor yang melintas di jalan protokol tersebut melanggar aturan lalu lintas. According to Anies, the policy does not have a fair principle and can assume that motorcycle users are a group that disturbs the view of the city. "Don't let us go to (a small community group), this is disturbing the view of the city. Meanwhile, when we came to this city, we were small. For example, in the past there was an idea that Jalan Sudirman-Thamrin should not be passed by motorbikes," said Anies at the opening of Jakarta Innovation Days at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Tuesday, September 27. Anies views that the ban on motorcycles entering Jalan Sudirman-Thamrin has an impact on people's livelihoods. He gave an example, if the ban is still in effect, 500 thousand online motorcycle taxis lose the potential income that can be achieved on orders on Jalan Sudirman-Thamrin. Therefore, at the beginning of his tenure, Anies abolished the regulation and the motorcycle was again allowed to cross Jalan Sudirman-Thamrin. "So, don't let it be when we are prosperous, justice is not part of our attention. This happens at the level of policy making that we want to be fair, when we can be successful, it is not a priority. That must not happen," explained Anies. On that occasion, Anies stated that the government should work to improve the welfare of the community. In the condition of Jakarta, this city is filled with various community groups, ranging from the lower to the upper middle economy. "Jakarta is the city that has the top, there are the lowest. The poor are in Jakarta. However, the wealth of people is also in Jakarta. Super, right ultra is there, but there is also a super ultra left, we are complete," said Anies. On that basis, the former Minister of Education and Culture views the government as unable to take policies that only benefit some parties because it must provide a sense of justice for its people. "Don't let us, who are already prosperous, forget that our city has prospered, facilitated by our city, then doesn't want to share anymore. This often happens. We who have got it don't want anything else to get it. Policies can no longer be like that," he added.

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