
JAKARTA - Central Sulawesi Regional Police Chief Inspector General Abdul Rakhman Baso said 8 DPOs from the Poso East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) group led by Ali Kalora were suspected of perpetrating violence in Sigi.

"From the testimony of witnesses who saw the incident directly, which we confirmed with the DPO MIT Poso photos, there are similarities," Baso said, in Palu, Sunday, November 29.

He said that the incident took place at around 09.00 WITA on Friday, November 27, at one of the residents' houses in Lemba Tongoa Village, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi, which was visited by 8 people.

"Entering through the back to take approximately 40 kilograms of rice, after that he carried out persecution without any stamen, using a sharp weapon without inhumanity resulted in four victims," he said.

He said it was not enough to stop there, the perpetrators then burned about six houses of local residents.

"I myself have checked directly at the TKP yesterday and out of these six houses, two were burnt down, two, only the back kitchen was not the core of the additional house with thatched roof," he explained.

He explained, at the crime scene (TKP) there were about 50 local transmigration houses and of all these houses only nine were permanently occupied.

Of the nine houses inhabited, not only residents of one ethnicity and religion, so there is a very good tolerance in that location.

He emphasized that the aim of the action of the group called the MIT Poso terrorist was to frighten the community and divide the unity and unity of the citizens that had been well established.

"It is clear the purpose of the perpetrators in carrying out their actions is that there is a split in unity, especially in mobilizing the Pilkada, so do not be provoked," he said.

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