
SEMARANG - Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi conveyed developments regarding the explosion of packages containing firecrackers near Aspol Arumbara, Grogol, Sukoharjo Regency on Monday, September 26.

The Kapolda said that until now the police had examined 7 witnesses related to the explosion of the package containing firecrackers. The witnesses examined included the sender of the package, the recipient of the package and members of the Surakarta Police Intelligence and Security Unit

"From the sender, a CV in Indramayu confirmed that the package was sent, the recipient confirmed that he had ordered the package twice, while members of the Surakarta Police Satintelkam confirmed that they had carried out an operation to secure evidence," explained Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi in a written statement, Monday afternoon, September 26.

The Regional Police Chief emphasized that the explosion near the Grogol police dormitory was certainly not related to acts of terrorism. The evidence was secured and the rest was disposted or destroyed.

"It is confirmed that it is not a bomb and is not related to terrorism," he explained.

The Regional Police Chief added that the package of firecrackers that resulted in Bripka Dirgantara being injured had been unraveled by the bomb disposal team (Jibom). Then the evidence of the firecracker axis was distributed in six plastic clip bags.

"The package was secured by members and then unraveled by the Jibom team. Then we found a ride, a firecracker axis. This is firecracker fuel, which we set aside six bags. Two bags were set aside for evidence, four of which we tested last night," explained Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi.

He emphasized that the public should not worry because the explosion incident was not related to acts of terrorism. The goods that exploded were packages that had been secured since 2021 and it was not yet known why they could be brought by Bripka Dirgantara.

"I hope you don't have to worry, it's true that the explosion was not a bomb and terror. The current situation at the TKP is normal again, the Inafis and laboratory identification processes have been completed and there are no prominent incidents in the Sukoharjo area, including the surrounding community, have carried out activities as usual," he explained.

Regarding the condition of the victims of the explosion, the Kapolda confirmed that the medical team at Dr Moewardi Hospital was still being handled and could not be questioned. So it is not certain that it is related to the element of negligence.

"So I emphasize that related to members who want to destroy and then become victims, it will be clear after recovering whether there was an element of negligence in whether members of the procedure were wrong and so on after the members were examined. Because the person concerned is still sick," said Luthfi.

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