
JAKARTA - The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, confirmed that an explosion had occurred at the Grogol Indah Police Dormitory, Solo Baru, Sukoharjo, Central Java. "It is true that an explosion occurred," said Dedi to the media crew in Jakarta, Sunday, September 25. Currently, the Central Java Police team, Solo Police, backed up by the Central Java Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-terror Task Force, has been deployed to explore the explosion. "The joint team is in the process of deepening it," said Dedi. According to Dedi, the explosion resulted in one personnel from the Surakarta Police, Brigadier Dirgantara Pradipta. The temporary chronology of the incident was that the witness was inside the house suddenly hearing an explosion that was so strong that it caused the window to tremble. Then the witness and the neighbors of the dormitory went out and immediately looked in front of the house and saw the victim covered in blood and then the victim was helped by residents and taken to the Indriyati Hospital Solo and then referred to Muwardi Hospital Surakarta. "Please be patient, we are waiting together for developments," concluded Dedi.

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