
KULON PROGO - The Kulon Progo District Health Office, Yogyakarta Special Region noted that the budget absorption for the payment of the National Health Insurance premium from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) has only been absorbed by Rp11.68 billion. This amount is equivalent to 49.64 percent of the total allocation of Rp23.53 billion.

Head of the Kulon Progo Health Service, Sri Budi Utami, said that the low absorption of the budget was due to the lack of health insurance participants (JKN) who were not recipients of wages (PBPU)/not that many workers (BP) were immigrationd to JKN in the state budget (APBN).

"The poor and unable to be proposed to the state budget JKN considering that there are still many JKN APBN (DTKS) quotas," Sri Utami said, quoted by Antara, Sunday, September 25.

He acknowledged the potential for not to socialize Regent Regulation Number 10 of 2022 concerning Integration of Jamkesda Services to the National Health Insurance (JKN) to the public. Thus, the Health Office will intensify the socialization of the new JKN PBI APBD rules.

"The possibility of Perbup Number 10 of 2022 has not been widely socialized to the lower classes," he said.

Sri Budi Utami conveyed several things related to access to PBI APBD participation, namely that the Kulon Progo Regency Government has issued Perbub Number 10 of 2022 concerning Jamkesda Service Integration to JKN, as a guide in determining BPJS's participation in PBI-APBD health.

The Health Insurance Verification Team of Kulon Progo Regency has socialized the perbup to all panewu/camat and lurah/kades throughout Kulon Progo Regency.

"With the socialization to the panewu and village heads, it is hoped that it can be conveyed to the community in their respective regions, so that people understand how steps are to be able to access the participation of PBI-APBD JKN," he said.

Furthermore, Sri Budi Utami said that in general the steps taken by residents to be able to access the participation of the PBI-APBD JKN are coming to the local village head to fill the format of the inability certificate (SKTM).

The village head verified the format that had been filled out by residents to determine that the residents were eligible to obtain SKTM / no. The SKTM format from the sub-district was handed over to the Social-P3A Office to be verified by the district verification team.

If the name passes, it will be sent from the Social Service-P3A to the Health Office. Furthermore, the Health Office made a decree on behalf of the names who passed the verification at the Social Service-P3A, then submitted it to BPJS Kulon Progo Health. BPJS Kulon Progo Health processes the participation of the PBI-APBD JKN.

By looking at this flow, it takes the participation of all parties, starting from the lurah, panewu, related OPD, community leaders and community activities who do not yet have JKN participation. "Dinkes will continue to facilitate according to its duties and authorities," he said.

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