
JAKARTA - Political observer M Qodari stated that Prabowo Subianto's visit to senior Kiai Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) was a form of strategy to maintain the vote base of Muslims. “ It shows a new direction for the segmentation or intended political base, we know that in 2014 and 2019 the direction is with Islamic figures in PA 212 with FPI, but today the tendency is for NU figures, both in Central Java and later NU kiai in other areas,” he said in a written statement in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, September 25. The Executive Director of Indo Barometer stated that Prabowo's efforts were the right step because NU is the largest community organization (ormas) in Indonesia with a total of 30-40 percent of Muslim followers in the country. “ In my opinion, one of Pak Prabowo's important new directions or strategies is that he remains close or maintains his Islamic base but his direction is more towards traditional Islam,” he explained. He said the choice that Prabowo made was very true because NU was an Islamic organization with the most followers. "If the survey has been consistent from the past, because the survey has never been below 33 percent or a third of Islam is NU, it can even reach 40 percent. So in my opinion this can be a 'game changer' for Pak Prabowo in 2024,” added Qodari. Previously, the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, held a friendship with 9 senior Kiai Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) at the Higher Education Dormitory (API) of the Salafi Tegalrejo Islamic Boarding School, Magelang Regency, Central Java, which was founded by KH Chudlori who is now being cared for by KH. Muhammad Yusuf Chudlori or Gus Yusuf on Friday, September 24. Kun The 9 senior NU kiai in Central Java include H. Muhammad Zaim Ahmad (Rembang Regency), KH. Badawi Basyir (Kobupaten Kudus), KH. Zaenal Arifin (Demak Regency), KH. Solahudin (Brebes Regency), KH. Khaidar (Temanggung Regency), KH Nur Hidayat (Wonosobo), KH. Solikhun (Magelang Regency), KH Much Attabiq Baqir ( Purworejo Regency), KH Nasrul Arif Abdurrahman (Tegalrejo). Prabowo met with 9 senior Kiai with a background in Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) accompanied by the General Chairperson of the PKB DPP Muhaimin Iskandar to discuss the coalition between Gerindra and PKB in the 2024 presidential election as well as requesting and listening to input from 9 senior Kiai.

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