JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria remembers the figure of the third President of the Republic of Indonesia BJ Habibie as a unifying between the government and Muslims.
"Alhamdulillah, in the past, when Islamic intellectuals such as BJ Habibie and his friends tried to gather the intellectuals of Indonesian scholars to stay with the government and since then ICMI has taken part," said Riza Patria when met at the South Jakarta Mayor's office, Antara, Sunday, September 25.
The chairman of the Gerindra Party's Central Executive Board (DPP) mentioned the name of the first General Chairperson of the Indonesian Muslim Association (ICMI) as a person who contributed to Muslims in the country.
It is known that ICMI was born when BJ Habibie was still serving as Minister of Research and Technology in the era of President Suharto. At that time BJ Habibie was considered a figure who was able to change the paradigm of Muslims, especially those related to the government.
According to Riza, ICMI does not only bring Muslims closer to the government but also builds the nation and state by continuing to make its best contribution.
In addition, Riza said that in the past Muslims and the government had experienced a stir so that it felt far away to build a relationship.
He hopes that in the future the ICMI management can revive the heyday of the organization.
Because, Riza gave an example of the many products produced by ICMI starting from Bank Muamalat, Dompet Dhuafa, and others.
In the future, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will cooperate with the Mayor of South Jakarta, Munjirin and his staff to make a better impact in his area.
One of them is by strengthening the Islamic economy through MSMEs discussed at the 2022 ICMI Regional Deliberation (Musda) at the South Jakarta Mayor's Office this Sunday.
"We collect all elements of this nation who have attention. We together with the Mayor will build and help the people in the South Jakarta area," he said.
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