
JAKARTA - The Rp1,000 daily movement program for Kapuas Police personnel, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan, continues with the aim of helping residents through food packages distributed at least once a week.

"The IDR 1,000 program this day has been initiated by our personnel to help people in need," said Kapuas Police Chief AKBP Qori Wicaksono in Kuala Kapuas, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

He explained that the movement was carried out every day by personnel by contributing sincerely and later the money collected every week was spent to buy a number of basic necessities and then distributed to residents who really needed them.

"So, the donations collected from the Kapuas Police members, we spend food purchases and distributed to underprivileged residents in Kapuas," he said.

From before the increase in subsidized fuel prices (BBM), this Rp1,000 movement has been going on for almost a year. This activity is also a form of gratitude from the Kapuas Police for the sustenance of God by sharing with others.

"With this increase in fuel, of course we hope that the Rp1,000 program a day can ease the burden on the community," he said.

He added that the program will continue and be routinely implemented in the future in helping people in need.

"Hopefully this will be useful and at least ease the burden on residents in meeting their daily needs," said Qori.

Meanwhile, one by one the houses of underprivileged residents in the North Strait Village were visited by the Police Chief and his staff by handing over food packages. Residents who receive assistance welcome the activity.*

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