
MAKASSAR - Consolidation of cadres of the National Democratic Party (NasDem) to prepare for the 2024 election victory in Makassar, South Sulawesi, was canceled by the General Chairperson of Surya Paloh. He was also represented by the Deputy Chairperson of the NasDem Party DPP, Ahmad Ali.

Based on information reported by Antara, Surya Paloh is reportedly unwell. Reportedly, the chairman of NasDem was sick after arriving in Kendari, on Friday, September 23 morning.

"Based on the agenda, the general chairman should be present," said Secretary of the South Sulawesi NasDem DPW, Syaruddin Alrif, in Makassar, as quoted from Antara.

However, he added, whether or not the general chairman was present, was not a problem. "Because the NasDem Party of South Sulawesi has militant cadres and sympathizers and is measurable in political work," he said.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Ali said he was very proud to be welcomed by the South Sulawesi NasDem management with full excitement. This shows that the NasDem Party in South Sulawesi is solid and compact.

"This can always prove that NasDem South Sulawesi cadres have very good and compact infrastructure, NasDem South Sulawesi is indeed okay," said Ali shortly arrived at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar in Maros.

Besides Ali, also members of the NasDem High Council Lestari Moerdijat, Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Rachmat Gobel, Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Carles Melkiyansyah, Fauzi Amro, liei S Laiskodat, Lusi Liu, Hermawati Taslim, Ivan Hoe, Luthfi Mutty and Atang Irawan were also present.

Surya Paloh and a number of senior politicians from the NasDem Party are scheduled to undergo a political safari to Manado (North Sulawesi), Kendari (Southeast Sulawesi), and Makassar (South Sulawesi).

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