
JAKARTA - Pamekasan Civil Service Police Unit straightened out the news of the incident that a Java tobacco truck was burned by a mob in Pamekasan on September 15, 2022 for violating the Tobacco Administration Regional Regulation.

"The incident on September 15, 2022, is purely a criminal case, and is not related to the violation of tobacco trading procedures as regulated in Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2022 concerning Tobacco Entrepreneurship Madura," said Head of Investigation and Investigation of the Pamekasan Regency Satpol PP M Hasanurrahman, in Pamekasan, East Java, Friday 23 September quoted from Antara.

The results of the Pamekasan Police investigation, the purpose of sending the Javanese tobacco to Sumenep Regency, not Pamekasan.

In the provisions as stated in Article 24 paragraph 2 of Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2022 it is explained that Java tobacco is indeed prohibited from entering Pamekasan and mixed with Madura tobacco during the tobacco harvest season.

The spirit regarding the provisions of this article is to maintain the quality of the Madura tobacco so that it remains good. The prohibition is valid from two months before and after harvest.

So when there is a harvest season that intentionally put Java tobacco into the jurisdiction of Pamekasan Regency, it is a sign that it violates that provision.

"But the fact is, regarding the incident of burning the Java tobacco truck some time ago, the purpose was not Pamekasan, but Sumenep. Thus, it does not include violations as regulated by the Regional Regulation on Madura Tobacco Entrepreneurs," he also said.

He explained that every tobacco harvest season, the Pamekasan Regency Government does control tobacco. Trucks that load tobacco and cross Pamekasan are checked, asked for origin and purpose.

This inspection includes the type of tobacco along with the purchase letter, including whether to re-trad or for the purposes of the tobacco products industry if that is Pamekasan's goal.

When it is clear with evidence that tobacco outside Madura will be sent to areas other than Pamekasan, the tobacco will be released to continue its journey.

"Yesterday's incident should have been seen first, where to go, what evidence is there, and there should be no mass judgment action," he said again.

Tobacco outside Madura that is included in Bangkalan, Sampang, and Sumenep does not include committing violations, because the Regional Regulation on Madura Tobacco Entrepreneurs is only in Pamekasan Regency.

Although Javanese tobacco is prohibited from entering Pamekasan, specifically for tobacco used for the needs of the tobacco industry products in Pamekasan, it is allowed.

"This exception, as stated in Article 25 paragraph 1 with the tobacco industry record, is listed as a cigarette company in the regions that has NPPBKC (The Basic Number for Excise goods Entrepreneurs) and is recorded in the relevant agencies," he explained.

Previously, the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Pamekasan Police, AKP Eka Purana, explained that the purpose of sending Java tobacco whose truck was burned by the masses was indeed to Sumenep Regency, not Pamekasan.

Two people have been named as suspects in that case. Each with the initials SY (49) and KH (34). SY's role moves the crowd, determines the gathering point for the burning perpetrators, and orders anarchic actions, including burning trucks and tobacco.

Meanwhile, KH was tasked with bringing the truck to the Bulai Village Field, Galis District by seizing the truck from the driver from Bojonegoro.

The two men were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) on Destruction with a penalty of five years in prison.

A number of evidences were also confiscated by officers, including a Mitsubishi truck in 2017 yellow, a white 5 liter jerry can, and gloves.

Meanwhile, the burning of the Java tobacco truck began when two trucks numbered S-8413-D driven by Busro (45) a resident from Prayungan Village, Sumberrejo District, Bojonegoro, and a truck numbered S-9389-UF driven by Supriyanto (40) a resident of Baureno Village/District, Bojonegoro passed at the intersection of Asem Manis Street, Pamekasan.

Suddenly a group of people driving several pickup cars approached and stopped the truck carrying tobacco from Java.

The crowd then lowered the stargaring tobacco which was transported by a truck numbered S-989-UF, while the truck numbered S-8413-D continued its journey. However, when he arrived at the field in Bulai Village, the truck was burned by the mob, while the truck with the police number S-9389-UF asked for security from the mass amuk to the Pamekasan Police Headquarters.

The act of forcibly stopping the truck carrying Java tobacco by a group of people was because it was feared that the Javanese tobacco would be used as a mixture of Madura tobacco.

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