
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs has set a regional boundary between Biak Numfor Regency and Supiori Regency. This certainty is in an effort to support local government administration services.

"After 19 years waiting for the completion of the Biak-Supi Regency boundary, it can be completed after the issuance of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 43 of 2021 with the coordinates of the Bondifuar district in Wandos village and the Swandwe Kampung Updori district (previously Wombrisau) in Kali awarem," said Head of the Law Division of the Biak Numfor Regency Government, Semuel Rumakeuw, Saturday, September 24.

He hopes that the Biak Numfor Regency Government and the Supiori Regency Government will obey each other's Permendagri No. 43 of 2021 which has determined the coordinates for the biak-Supiori district border.

Semuel invites all people in the Biak-Supi border area to support the Ministry of Home Affairs' decision to set a district boundary so as to facilitate government administration services in Biak-Supiori.

"Selesaikan penetapan tapal batas kabupaten Biak-Supi sejak 2003 belum ada kesepakatan sehingga pemerintah pusat melalui Kemendagri mengeluarkan keputusan batas wilayah Biak-Supiori," tutur Semuel.

He said that the determination of the biak-Supi district boundary was for the benefit of services to the community, development, local village/village government to its citizens.

"The ratification of the biak-Supori regional boundary does not eliminate the kinship and brotherhood between residents," he continued, quoted from Antara.

Semuel admitted, the socialization of Permendagri No. 43 of 2021 concerning the boundaries of Biak-Supi Regency has been carried out by the two local governments through Biak Regent Herry Ario Naap and Supiori Regent Yan Imbab in Sorindiweri, the capital of Supiori Regency.

"Even the Regent of Biak Numfor Herry Ario Naap has conveyed directly the provisions of the Biak-Supori district border contained in Permendagri No. 43," he said.

Supiori Regency is a expansion area from Biak Numfor Regency which was formed in accordance with Law Number 43 of 2003.

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