
TERNATE - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is scheduled to make a working visit (kunker) to East Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province (Malut) to take a closer look at the National Strategic Project (PSN). "According to the agenda, President Jokowi went to North Maluku on Tuesday, September 27 and this is included in the agenda for a working visit to the Maluku Islands to see PT Antam's PSN smelter in the area," said Head of Public Relations and Protocol of the East Halmahera Regency Government (Haltim), Yusuf Talib when contacted from Ternate, Antara, Friday, September 23. According to him, according to information obtained from the State Palace Protocol, President Jokowi will make a visit on September 27 or 28, 2022. Therefore, said Yusuf Talib, the district government is ready to accept the President's visit to Haltim Regency. Meanwhile, the Commander of Korem (Danrem) 152/Baabullah Brigadier General (TNI) Novi Rubadi Sugito when confirmed confirmed the visit and is still waiting for information from Kodam Pattimura. In fact, his party has also deployed hundreds of personnel to secure the President's plan to visit the Maluku and North Maluku regions. "We have sent soldiers to Haltim, including 4 SSK led by Danyonif RK 732/Banau sent using Hercules A-1318 TNI AU aircraft to the Maluku region to strengthen the security of visits in the Moa, Tual and Dobo areas. For the North Maluku region, Korem sent 4 joint SSK units to secure the visit of the President of the Republic of Indonesia in the East Halmahera area," he said. During this visit by the President, Korem 152/Baabullah deployed strength in the context of security both in the North Maluku region in collaboration with other security elements from both Paspampres, Polri and the North Maluku Provincial Government. For the President's visit to Haltim, there are several agendas including seeing firsthand the National Strategic Project (PSN) in the region, said Novi Rubadi Sugito.

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