
JAKARTA - PAN responded positively to Gerindra, which opened the opportunity to establish cooperation with Golkar. PAN admitted that he was not worried about the closeness between the two after Prabowo Subianto met Airlangga Hartarto.

Deputy Chairperson of PAN, Viva Yoga Mauladi, believes that the party bearing the banyan tree symbol holds a full commitment to the cooperation being developed in the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB).

"Not worried. Because in KIB we have made a commitment for life and death for the 2024 presidential election," said Viva Yoga, Friday, September 23.

KIB is known to have been built by Golkar, PAN and PPP. Meanwhile, Gerindra has declared itself a coalition with PKB. Therefore, Viva said PAN welcomes Gerindra's relationship with Golkar. He assessed that the cooperation plan between the two could strengthen KIB. Especially if the coalition is merged, then the cooperation will be stronger.

"PAN will be happy if there are new members in KIB. If Gerindra plans to form a coalition with Golkar, it will automatically strengthen KIB's political position," said Viva.

Victory too, said Viva, will get bigger. Because if the coalition is merged there are five political parties in one coalition, namely Golkar, PAN, PPP, Gerindra and PKB.

"KIB will strengthen if there is additional new energy. If so, the potential for victory about the candidate carried by KIB will be even greater," said Viva.

Previously, Golkar opened the possibility of a coalition with Gerindra. This was revealed by the Daily Chair of the Gerindra Party DPP, Sufmi Dasco, after Prabowo visited Airlangga in Jakarta on Monday, September 19.

In addition to discussing the nation's latest issues, the meeting between the General Chairperson of Gerindra and the General Chair of Golkar also discussed the 2024 General Election. "Yesterday's meeting between the Coordinating Minister for the Economy and the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, it also discussed the latest issues of our nation, not only discussing the 2024 General Election," Dasco said in his statement to reporters, Thursday, September 22. According to Dasco, even though Golkar has now formed a KIB, while Gerindra has formed a coalition with PKB, political dynamics are still very fluid. Dasco also said that Gerindra opened up opportunities to form a coalition with Golkar later. "Yes, it's wide open, coalition with Golkar, anywhere if one vision. That's right," said Dasco.

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