
JAKARTA - Information circulated about the data leak of 26 million members of the Bhayangkara Corps. The National Police stated that they would investigate the spread of the information.

"Investigated by the Directorate of Cyber (Bareskrim, ed)," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo when confirmed, Thursday, September 22.

It is suspected that the leak includes data from members of the National Police from the rank, Basic Registration Number (NRP), full name, position, photo, area, email, Population Identification Number (NIK), to telephone number.

However, Dedi emphasized that the data leak was not true. From the results of coordination, there was no data leakage in the Bhayangkara Corps.

"Hoaxes (fake news, ed)," said Dedi.

Meanwhile, information about the leakage of Polri's agggot data is crowded on social media. One of the accounts with the name Meki uploaded a thread titled '26M DATABASE NATIONAL POLICE IDENTITY OF INDONESIA REPUBLIC'.

In fact, the account also features a large logo belonging to the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya.

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