
MATARAM - Students with the initials IM who were caught carrying sharp weapons of the type of firecracker during a demonstration against the increase in fuel prices in front of the NTB DPRD Building, September 8, 2022, are now the foster children of the Head of the Mataram City Police. The Head of the Mataram Police, Kombes Mustofa, hopes that IM, who was previously a suspect in the case of possession of sharp weapons, can learn from experience to become a better person. "We also don't want to decide on the ideals and future of him who is still studying at a university. Hopefully with this decision, he can become a better person, even make NTB a good name," said Mustofa in Mataram, Antara, Thursday, September 22. The legal process related to the violation of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 concerning Sharp Weapons Ownership was terminated. IM's status as a suspect is now dead. As a sign of the termination of the case, Mustofa, who is now a foster parent, handed over IM to the Head of the Bima Family Association, Dr. M. Irwan Husain. The handover was also witnessed by the Head of the Mataram City Police Satreskrim Kompol Kadek Adi Budi Astawa and the Head of the Mataram City Police Satintelkam Kompol Refindo Pradikta Rulando, at the Mataram City Police. The investigator's consideration in stopping the IM case is the background in question. IM is known to no longer have a father and studied in Mataram City through the mission ticket. The head of the Bima Family Rukun, Dr. M. Irwan Husain, after receiving the handover and termination of the IM case, expressed his gratitude to the Mataram Police. "We appreciate the Head of the Mataram Police for his concern and concern in thinking about the future of IM," said Irwan. On the occasion, Mustofa handed over IM to Rukun Keluarga Bima by also giving IM cash to increase tuition fees.

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