
NTB - Head of Mataram City BPBD Mahfuddin Noor said his party had prepared logistics for disaster management ahead of the 2022 rainy season.

According to him, a number of logistics prepared include operational vehicles, tools to cut fallen trees and three rubber boats. Including equipment such as rowing, machinery, buoys, and operator officers.

"All the equipment is ready to be used," said Mahfuddin in Mataram, NTB, quoted from Antara, Thursday, September 22.

In addition, urgent facilities and infrastructure are also prepared during disasters. For example, food needs, tarpaulins, carpets, snacks and others.

For food needs, apart from being in BPBD, there are also those in the Social Service and Food Security Service. When the need for assistance for food is not met with BPBD stock, his party will coordinate with the service.

"Similarly with other emergency tools and infrastructure, we coordinate with other technical regional apparatus organizations (OPD)," said Mahfuddin.

Mahfuddin said, according to BMKG information, Mataram City is still experiencing dry dry weather. The new rain will appear in mid-October 2022.

"But in the last few weeks, Mataram has been raining from moderate to heavy intensity," he added.

Mataram City is one of 10 regencies/cities in NTB that have six types of disasters from 10 types of disasters that often occur in NTB.

In addition to earthquakes accompanied by tsunamis, other disasters that threaten the Mataram City area are floods, residential fires, social conflicts, coastal waves, and abrasion.

"Therefore, we must anticipate various potential disasters that usually occur during the rainy season and extreme weather," he said.

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