
YOGYAKARTA - Finally, what we have been waiting for... What is it? the implementation of the 2022 Teacher's PPPK test which will be held from November to December. And based on the instructions for the selection of PPPK 2022 ASN Teachers from the Ministry of Education and Culture, there are 3 mechanisms for the selection of 2022 PPPK teachers, What are they?

The first selection mechanism variant is addressed to teachers who have passed the passing grade in the 2021 selection. Participants will be placed in their respective task forces or teaching units that require it.

The second selection is addressed to teachers with honorary teacher status class II (THK II) and public honorary teachers who have been studying for at least 3 years and registered in Dapodik. Then, the third selection is intended for public honorary teachers who have experience educating less than 3 years and are registered in Dapodik, PPG graduates, and private honorary teachers registered in Dapodik.

193,954 teachers who have passed passing grade

Participants who pass the passing grade in the 2021 selection will be placed in their respective duties locations or in teaching/school units that require it. Participants no longer need to follow the exam.

Priority placement is based on applicant classification. This is the order:

Selection of conformity/verification for 724,029 public honorary teachers

This selection is carried out according to considerations of professional competency dimension, academics, social, and personality. Selection will be used if there is still a formation quota after the placement of teachers who pass the passing grade.

This selection measures 4 dimensions of suitability, namely academic qualifications and/or teaching certificates by determining the linearity of the field of duty with academic qualifications S1/D4/teachers. Then measure technical competence, workability, and background checks.

The type of mechanism for the second selection of the 2022 teacher PPPK also involves interviews that assess integrity and morality.

Test selection

There are some things to consider in this third mechanism, which is a technical competence, managerial competence, and socio-cultural. This year's trial mechanism is still the same as last year.

The threshold score or passing grade will be determined by the national selection committee. All points of question tested are 140-160 questions. The time provided is 170 minutes.

Lebih Tes PPPK Guru 2022

So those are some mechanisms for the selection of PPPK 2022 teachers, see other interesting news in VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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