
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia firmly denies the news circulating regarding the existence of Indonesian delegates in Israel, underscoring that there are no steps to restore ties with the country.

Israeli media The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday, September 20, wrote that there was an Indonesian delegation led by senior officials on a secret visit this week.

Written, a series of recent meetings, statements and reports in recent months of 2021, suggest that Israel and Indonesia have grown closer, with cooperation in common trade and tourism.

"There are no steps leading to normalization (Indonesia-Israeli relations)," said Spokesperson for the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Teuku Faizasyah in a press briefing on Thursday, September 22.

"The source of the news, the first time it was unclear, was not clear on the official's intention," he continued.

Teuku Faizasyah ensured that Indonesia's attitude and position regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict did not change.

"It has not changed, the peaceful settlement of Palestine-Israeli, with a two-state solution with clear boundaries," explained Faizasyah.

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