
AGAM - Agam Police, West Sumatra, deployed a special team to hunt down four robbers with violence against Kamaruzaman (47), a gold trader in Labuah Sampik, Nagari Parik Panjang, Matur District, last Friday, September 16 at around 16.00 WIB. "The team is still hunting for the four suspects who fled after carrying out their actions by carrying the victim's bag which contained 1.2 kilograms of gold and Rp250 million in cash," said Agam Police Chief AKBP Ferry Ferdian in Lubukbasung, Antara, Wednesday, September 21. With full strength, all the suspects involved are expected to be arrested and the evidence taken can return. "I ask for prayers, hopefully the team I have formed will manage to catch all the perpetrators. I immediately led to arrest the four suspects," he said. The robbery began when the victim and his younger brother Yuliandri (45) returned from trading gold from Pasar Lawang, Matur District. Before being robbed, the victim was laid off when he returned from Pasar Lawang to his home. Arriving at the scene of the incident at Bukik Apik, Jalan Lintas Matur-Padang Outer Bukittinggi, the victim's black Avanza car was grabbed and even hit twice by the Kijang car number B 1830 YG driven by the suspects. As a result of the urgency and there was no opportunity to avoid it, the victim finally chose to stop. At that time the robbers immediately ambushed the victim and forced them to open the car door while pointing a firearm. Feeling scared, the victim opened his car door and the robber hit the victim on the head. Then the robbers took the victim's bag which at that time contained 1.2 kilograms of gold and Rp250 million in cash. The victim was even shot in the right thigh and rushed to Ahmad Mukhtar Hospital, Bukittinggi, for medical assistance. Meanwhile, the car driven by the robbers when robbing was suspected to be a short circuit. "The alleged perpetrators, four people with all black clothes, immediately left the car they were driving and managed to escape into the wilderness in the Jariang River area, Ampekkoto District," he said.

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