
YOGYAKARTA - The trial of the police code of ethics related to the murder case of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J. continues to be carried out by the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP). So far, it has been stated that 11 police officers have violated the code of ethics and have been sanctioned.

Eleven police officers who violated the code of ethics were sanctioned for placing them in special places (patsus) to dishonorable dismissal (PTDH). Of the eleven police officers, seven were suspected of violating the code of ethics, and four became suspects in the obstruction of justice case.

Previously, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said there were as many as 35 police officers who were suspected of violating the code of ethics in the murder case of Brigadier J. The National Police Chief conveyed the information in a meeting with Commission III of the DPR. They are considered to have violated the professional code of ethics to hinder the investigation process.

There are eleven police officers who have undergone an ethics trial, ranging from the rank of Inspector General to Brigadier General. Here's a list of names.

1. Inspector General Ferdy Sambo: Ex-Kadiv Propam

2. Kompol Chuck Putranto; Former PS Head of Subdit Bagga when Rowabprof Division of the National Police Propam Division

3. Kompol Baiquni Wibowo; Former PS Kasubbagiksa Bagga when Rowabprof of the Propam Police Division

4. Kombes Agus Nurpatria; Former Head of A Bureaupaminal Division of the National Police Propam Division

5. AKP Dyah Candrawati; Paurlog Bagrenmin Division of the National Police Propam Division of the National Police Propam Division

6. AKBP Pujiyarto; Former Head of Sub-Directorate of Renakta Polda Metro Jaya

7. AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian; Former Wadirkrimum Polda Metro Jaya

8. Bharada Sadam; Sambo Aidedan

9. Brigadier Frillyan Fitri Rosadi; Former BA Roprovos Divpropam

10. Brigadier Firman Dwi Ariyanto; Ex-Banum Urtu Roprovos Divpropam Polri

11. Brigadier Sigid Mukti Hanggoro Ex-Bit Den A Ropaminal Divpopam Polri

KKEP imposes sanctions on police officers who violate the code of ethics in the alleged premeditated murder case by Inspector General Ferdy Sambo against (late) Brigadier J.

Patsus sanctions were imposed on AKBP Pujiyarto, the former Head of Sub-Directorate for Renakta Polda Metro Jaya. AKBP Pujiyarto was proven to have committed an ethical violation because he was unprofessional when in charge of handling reports of sexual harassment of Ferdy Sambo's wife. He also had to languish in the ptsus for 28 years.

Democracy sanctions were imposed on several names, such as AKP Dyah Candrawati and Bharada Sadam, former driver Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. Both have undergone ethics trials. AKP Dyah, Paurlog Bagrenmin Division of the National Police Propram received a demotion or demotion of office for 11 years.

Bharada Sadam was subject to demotion for intimidating two journalists. Bharada Sadam was sanctioned for 1 year of demotion. Meanwhile, Brigadier Frillyan Frillyan Rosadi (FT) was sentenced to 2 years of demotion. He was declared unprofessional in handling the murder case of Brigadier J. He also intimidated reporters during coverage at the Kadiv Propram official residence.

First Brigadier Firma Dwi Ariyanto was sanctioned for one year of demotion. Brigadier Sigid Mukti, former Banit Den A Ropaminal Divpropam Polri, was sanctioned for one year of demotion. Brigadier Sigid acted unprofessionally in carrying out his duties.

Copy of the KKEP Patsus sanctions also imposes Disrespectful Dismissal (PTDH) sanctions on several police officers. PTDH is the dismissal of the police officer's service period carried out by the competent police officer for reasons or reasons.

Ferdy Sambo was sanctioned by PTDH for the premeditated murder case against Brigadier J. Apart from being the main suspect, he also blocked the investigation process. PTDH sanctions were also accepted by Kompol Chuck Putranto as a suspect in preventing the investigation of the case.

The PTDH sanction was also imposed on Kompol Baiquni Wibowo because he was considered to have committed a disgraceful act. Kombes Agus Nurpatra, a former Head of the National Police's Propam Division, was also subject to PTDH sanctions for making consensus and obstructing the investigation into the case.

AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian, former Wadirkrimum Polda Metro Jaya, was also sanctioned by PTDH for being considered unprofessional in handling the Brigadier J case.

Of the five police officers sanctioned by PTDH, three people filed an appeal, namely Ferdy Sambo, Kompol Chuck, and Kompol Baiquni.

That is the list of police names that violated the code of ethics in the murder case of Brigadier J. There are still other police officers who will undergo an ethics trial from KKEP starting today, Tuesday (20/9).

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