
JAKARTA - The Johar Baru Sector Police arrested the perpetrators of the brawl who later disturbed residents around Gang T, Jalan Kampung Rawa, Johar Baru, Central Jakarta. The Head of the Johar Baru Police, Kompol Ari Susanto, said the perpetrator with the initials A (17) had been arrested and is still undergoing investigation.

"One perpetrator with the initials A was arrested, currently he is still undergoing investigation," said Johar Baru Police Chief Kompol Ari Susanto, Tuesday, September 20.

Kompol Ari explained that the cause of the brawl was a trivial matter. The perpetrator with the initials A is known not to be a native of Johar Baru.

In front of the officers, A admitted that he was only following the invitation of his friend, who is currently still being chased by members of the Johar Baru Police.

"We are still chasing one person with the initials JW (17), A's friend who asked for a brawl," he said.

Kompol Ari said the brawl in the Johar Baru area was caused by population density. As a result, a small problem can cause friction to residents.

"But we continue to carry out patrols at the airport by involving local Pokdarkantibmas, RT, RW, and Babinkantibmas," he said.

A urine test on perpetrator A has also been carried out and the results have not been proven to consume drugs and do not consume liquor (Miras).

Ari said that there were no victims in the brawl incident even though the officers saw many broken bottles at the location. In addition, the police also checked CCTV at the scene.

Previously, the Head of Kampung Rawa Village, Ferry Zahrudin, explained that the brawls that often occur in Johar Baru District were due to the condition of the residential area being too dense.

"Because the demographic conditions are densely populated. Because it is close together, problems arise. Brawls are due to the densely populated cause," said Ferry when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, September 8, then.

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