
SEMARANG - Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General Pol Ahmad Luthfi revealed a number of facts as a result of handling traffic violations through ETLE (Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement) in Central Java. He noted that the traffic violations recorded through ETLE during January to August 2022 reached 636,764 violations. "From the ETLE violation, the largest number in all Polda in Indonesia and the fines that entered the state treasury reached more than Rp. 27 billion," explained Inspector General Ahmad Lutfhi at a press conference on the 67th Anniversary of Traffic at the Central Java Police Headquarters Ditlantas page, Monday, September 19.

It was also stated that the Central Java Police already had 21 static cameras, 602 mobile cameras and 7 speed cameras. That way, his party can uncover a number of violations that occur on the road.

The Kapolda revealed that of the 636,764 violators who were caught on camera, they were then validated to 479,412, which 470,768 had been sent a letter and 241,158 confirmed.

With this action through ETLE, the Central Java Police Chief continued, it is hoped that it can provide a deterrent effect for the public not to try to violate the law in Central Java.

"Our people are educated not to commit violations, even without any police officers near them. Because at this time, our members are equipped with cameras that can capture any traffic violations," he said.

Meanwhile, the Dirlantas of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol Agus Suryonugroho, added that with law enforcement, it is hoped that the community will be orderly by itself so that the fatality of accidents can be reduced.

"This is not merely law enforcement, the most important thing is that the Directorate of Traffic guarantees the safety of road users," he said.

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