
BENGKULU - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of North Bengkulu Regency said as many as 434 families (KK) in two villages in North Bengkulu were isolated due to two bridges breaking due to flooding.

The Chief Executive (Kalak) of the BPBD of North Bengkulu Regency, Eka Hendri, said that as many as 34 isolated families and two residents' houses were flooded in Gembung Raya Village, Napal Putih District, North Bengkulu.

Then as many as 400 families in Pagar Din Village, Ulok Kupai District, and North Bengkulu Regency were also isolated.

"For the time being, 434 family heads have been isolated due to two bridges breaking due to the impact of overflowing river water", said Eka, quoted by ANTARA, September 19.

He explained, that due to heavy rainfall for several days, the water of the Gembung River overflowed, causing two bridges to be damaged.

One 20-meter suspension bridge and one four-meter-long plank bridge broke and were swept away by the river current.

As a result of the breaking of the bridge which is the access for the residents of Dusun Tiga in Gembung Raya Village to the center of the village and one bridge in Pagar Din Village to be precise in Dusun One, it was severely damaged due to flooding that occurred on August 30, 2022.

Then with the high intensity of rain that occurred in the last few days, the damage that occurred was getting worse so that the bridge could not be crossed using two-wheeled vehicles.

"Because the bridge is the only access to the center of Pagar Din Village, Ulok Kupai District", he said.

For this incident, his party distributed logistical assistance in the form of rice and noodles to 34 isolated families in Gembung Raya Village.

In addition, his party also continues to monitor and coordinate with the PUPR Office of North Bengkulu Regency and related agencies because so far 434 villages are still isolated.

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