
JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency, Asep Kuswanto, admitted that his party had not been able to determine the cause of the thick black dust again polluting residential areas in the Marunda area, Cilincing, North Jakarta even though his team had been investigating this since two weeks ago. Currently, Asep said that the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government are still monitoring the development of air pollution on the coast of Jakarta. This monitoring was carried out together with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and PT Kawasan Bekat Nusantara (KBN) which are state-owned managers of industrial estates with ties and logistics in Marunda. "We are still monitoring it, because our industrial crew is also collaborating with the directors of KBN, the central government through KSOP (the airport office and port authority), because the policy for industrial operations there is in the central government," said Asep at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Monday, September 19. Then, regarding the company that was involved in the coal dust pollution that had previously received a permit revocation, namely PT Karya Citra Nusantara (KCN), Asep ensured that they were still improving environmental management related to loading and unloading activities before being allowed to operate again. "Mereka (KCN) juga sekarang sedang memperbaiki perbaikan-perbaikan dari catatan-lat yang kami sampaikan, seperti UKL/UPL-nya. Beberapa target sedang mereka upaya untuk memenuhinya. Dengan berharap, ke depannya mereka bisa beroperasi lagi dengan pengoperoperasian yang menyasar kualitas yang jauh lebih baik lebih baik," urai Asep. At that time, the DKI Provincial Government revoked PT KCN's operational permit because it was proven to be the perpetrator of coal-burdening and did not complete the administrative sanctions imposed. "If they want a new permit, the process must start again," he added. It is known that the residents of Marunda, Cilincing, North Jakarta, had not been able to breathe a sigh of relief even though the company's permit for the perpetrators of coal dust had been lifted some time ago. Now, thick black dust is still polluting the area where they live. One of the residents of Marunda, Cecep Supriadi, said that thick black dust had polluted the environment since last Saturday. "It was Saturday that the dust entered from morning to noon. Until now, there is still a lot of dust," Cecep told reporters in North Jakarta, Monday, September 5. Cecep said the dust settles to the floor and pollutes the settlement after previously blowing strong winds. "The dust is just as thick black as before. There are so many of these, because since yesterday the strong winds," he said.

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