
SOUTH TANGERANG - A number of condolences came at the funeral home of the Chairman of the Press Council and Professor of UIN Jakarta Prof. Azyumardi Azra in East Ciputat, South Tangerang, Banten, Sunday, September 18.

Quoted from Antara, the condolences came from the Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.

"My deepest condolences for the death of Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra," reads the bouquet of flowers from the Minister of Religion.

There are also bouquets of flowers from the leadership of the MPR RI Hidayat Nur Wahid and Jazilul Fawaid as well as special staff of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Masykuri Abdillah.

Meanwhile, a number of mourners also began to arrive. Tendes also began to be installed in front of Prof. Azyumardi Azra's funeral home.

Meanwhile, Armia Putriana as the nephew of the late Prof. Azyumardi Azra said that currently Prof. Azyumardi Azra's body is still in the process of being repatriated to the country from Malaysia.

"It's still in the process of being repatriated. So, because you are positive for COVID-19, the hospital does not allow you to be brought here. So, the Indonesian side has coordinated with the Indonesian Embassy there so that you can be sent home. So, this is still a process, please just pray for the process to run smoothly so that you can be sent back here," said Armia.

Prof. Azyumardi Azra breathed his last at Serdang Hospital, Selangor, Malaysia on Sunday at 12.30 local time.

The former Chancellor of UIN Jakarta passed away after being treated since Friday (16/9) due to health problems he experienced during a working visit to Malaysia.

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