
MALUKU - The Ternate Resort Police (Polres), North Maluku Police (Malut) immediately brought order and took firm action against subsidized fuel retailers (BBM) selling fuel at various points at quite expensive prices.

Ternate Police Chief AKBP Andik Purnomo Sigit, in Ternate, said that his party immediately carried out socialization to retailers and the public regarding the ban on selling subsidized fuel at the retail level, especially for pertalite type subsidy fuels that were sold at a price of Rp. 16,000 per liter.

"Seharusnya, BBM bersubsidi jenis pertalite itu hanya bisa dijual di gas station, tidak boleh diceran lagi. Nanti kami sosialisasikan kembali ke masyarakat," kata Kapolres.

As is known, in the increase in fuel prices as of September 3, 2022, the price of pertalite from Rp. 7,650 per liter to Rp. 10,000 per liter, the price of diesel subsidies from Rp. 5,150 per liter to Rp. 6,800 per liter, the price of Pertamax from Rp. 12,500 to Rp. 14,500 per liter.

He said that fuel retailers in Ternate City were prohibited from selling pertalite type fuel. If a retailer is found selling pertalite type fuel, the police will take firm action.

"This is because pertalite type fuel is subsidized fuel that is sold at a high price at the retail level after the government raises fuel prices. Likewise, the distribution of subsidized fuel to the community is still not on target," he said.

The police chief explained that retailers are only allowed to sell non-subsidized fuel such as Pertamax as the applicable rules, so that subsidized fuel such as pertalite can only be obtained by the public at each gas station, not retailers.

"We saw that the buyers of pertalite subsidy fuel were purchased to gas stations at a price of Rp. 10 thousand per liter, sold for Rp. 16 thousand at retail levels, even reduced in size," he said.

Therefore, if the socialization of the ban has been carried out on retailers, but there are still those who sell pertalite, they will be dealt with firmly.

"We take firm action and police personnel together with the task force will be placed at every gas station, so gas stations do not use it to sell subsidized fuel to retailers," he also said.

Even so, the Police Chief admitted that currently his party is still waiting for the revision of the circular letter from the Mayor of Ternate regarding the control over the sales of subsidized fuel that had previously been issued.

"Based on information, the Mayor of Ternate will issue a notification letter to revise the circular letter and also the task force team in the near future will be moving," he said again.

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