
JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir ensured that fishermen would receive diesel fuel (BBM) after the selling price at the Public Fuel Filling Station (SPBU) is IDR 6,800 per liter.

This was conveyed by Erick Thohir when inaugurating the Solar program for fishermen's cooperatives (Solution) at the Samudera Fisheries Port, Cilacap Regency, Central Java Province (Central Java).

Erick said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) assigned himself and the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki to find solutions in improving fishermen's living standards. Erick said the welfare of fishermen should be an important part of the government program.

"One of them is the fishermen's Solution program which today provides access to fuel prices (Solar) which fishermen have obtained may be Rp. 7,000 to Rp. 10,000 per liter, today we make sure the price is Rp. 6,800 per liter," said Erick, in an official statement, Sunday, September 18.

In this program, continued Erick, Pertamina directly distributed Solar subsidized to fishermen's gas stations under the Mino Saroyo Cooperative, which consists of 8,500 fishermen.

Furthermore, Erick said that the initiative program of the Ministry of SOEs and the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs is a form of government siding with fishermen in the midst of the policy of transferring fuel subsidies.

Erick said the Solusi program could improve fishermen's access to Solar so that diesel subsidies are more targeted and immediately allocated to fishermen. Erick and Teten also ensured that cooperatives became the spearhead so that the subsidy diesel was really right on target.

"With the cooperative, it means that there are names, addresses, and digital systems, so if someone brings jerry cans, it doesn't matter because there is a barcode, the data is visible," he explained.

In addition, said Erick, the Solusi program is not only distributing solar subsidies, but also fixing the people's fisheries business model by involving cooperatives as the first aggregator and guarantor for fishermen.

For Erick, Indonesian fishermen are tough sailors who not only need subsidies, but also the people's fishing business ecosystem that is healthy and in favor of fishermen.

"From Mr. Teten, later the cooperative will be given financing (work capital), we from BRI also encourage financing for fishermen, then fishermen's mothers are also not abandoned, there is also PNM Mekar who will attend," said Erick.

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