
SORONG- The phenomenon of Waterspout or hurricane occurred in the waters of Sorong city, West Papua Province, Saturday afternoon, September 17, shocked the local community. The Waterspout phenomenon occurred at 16.00 WIT in the waters between Doom Island, Sorong Islands District and Sorong City Sea Port. The natural phenomenon was immortalized by the community and went viral on social media of Sorong city residents. Reported by Antara, Rina, a resident of Doom Island, Sorong Islands District, immortalized the phenomenon of Waterspout using his mobile phone camera. According to Rina, this phenomenon occurred approximately 15 minutes. It was the first time she saw this phenomenon directly so far only through the media. The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency of the Class I Sorong Meteorological Station in its release stated that at 16.00 WIT there was a strong wind phenomenon that rotated like a trunk above the waters of Sorong Port. This phenomenon is known as a waterspout which is synonymous with the tornado phenomenon but occurs above a large water level. The phenomenon of waterspout is formed from the cumulonimbus (CB) cloud system.

However, not all CB clouds can cause this phenomenon, depending on atmospheric lability conditions. The presence of CB clouds can also indicate the potential for heavy rain which can be accompanied by lightning/lightning and strong winds and under certain conditions can pose a potential for a waterspout phenomenon. It is said that the characteristics of the waterspout phenomenon that occurs are local in nature. It occurs in a short period of time, generally around 10 minutes. More often occurs in the afternoon or evening, and sometimes at night. Only emerges from the Cumulonimbus (CB) cloud system, but not all CB clouds can cause a waterspout phenomenon. It is unlikely to happen again in the same place in the near future.*

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