
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confirmed that the investigation into the alleged corruption in the construction of the Kingmi Mile 32 Church in Papua that ensnared the inactive Mimika Regent Eltinus Omaleng was in accordance with applicable regulations. Especially, there is sufficient preliminary evidence.

"We are investigating the case, of course, because there has been strong preliminary evidence as stipulated by law," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri in his statement, Saturday, September 17.

On that basis, the process of investigating corruption cases is not a form of criminalization. Although, the object of the riot being investigated is a place of worship. In fact, Ali stated that all the enforcement processes carried out were in accordance with the procedure and were legally tested.

"We make sure that the investigation of this case is carried out professionally. Every legal procedure we go through has even been tested in a pre-trial at the South Jakarta District Court," he said. The investigation into the alleged riot involving Eltinus Omaleng will continue. Then, it is proven in the trial process.

"We will finish it thoroughly and immediately bring it to court to be tested before the panel of judges at the corruption court," said Ali.

Previously, it was reported that the administrator of the Kingmi Mile 32 Church, Tilas Mom, asked the KPK to stop investigating corruption cases involving the inactive Mimika Regent Eltinus Omaleng.

"On this occasion, we as leaders of the Kingmi Papua Evangelical Economy Church were present among our brothers and sisters to convey about the importance of building a new church building for us and the benefits of the construction of the Kingmi Mile 32 Church, Mimika Regency," said Tilas Mom.

According to him, the Kingmi Mile Church is one of the main churches. The number of congregations in the church reached 600 thousand people. With so many congregations, Tilas said there had been difficulties in building the church. Thus, Eltinus' move to build the house of worship received appreciation and made the management urge the KPK to stop criminalization.

"As the leader of the Kingmi Papua Church, sticking to the attitude of dignity, self-respect, truth, justice, law, human rights and for the sustainability of development and Perdamain in Timika Regency, we respectfully request that the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission take a decision that gives a sense of justice," said Tilas. "We ask to stop all efforts to criminalize through legal proceedings against the Regent Eltinus Omaleng," he continued.

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